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Before using the “CREA voyage website,” which is the website of CREA Co., Ltd.(CREA), provider of cultural experience touring services, please carefully read and agree to the terms of use specified below. By using the website, we assume you have agreed to all of these terms and conditions.

Last updated: Mar 30, 2016

Scope of terms of use:

These terms of use apply to the use of the information service using the CREA voyage website and various Internet services such as emails (together, “CREA voyage”).


Amendment of terms of use:
  1. We may amend the terms and use without obtaining customers’ agreement. In this case, the terms of use of CREA voyage shall conform to the latest version of the terms of use after change, so please check the details of the latest version.

  2. The amended terms of use shall come into effect the moment they are displayed on the CREA voyage website, unless otherwise specified by CREA.

Users' obligations/responsibilities:

When using CREA voyage, customers must not perform any of the following acts:

  1. An act of actually or potentially infringing upon any right of CREA or its affiliates, etc.

  2. An act of actually or potentially infringing upon any property of CREA or its affiliates, etc.

  3. An act of actually or potentially inflicting any loss on CREA or its affiliates, etc., in addition to 1 or 2 above.

  4. An act of infringing upon any intellectual property right such as copyright, or any other right, of CREA or a third party.

  5. An act of actually or potentially infringing upon any property, privacy, portrait right, or publicity right of CREA or a third party.

  6. An act of slandering/defaming or tarnishing the honor or credibility of CREA or a third party.

  7. An act of submitting any false or unreasonable request for reservations, etc.

  8. An act of submitting personal information or submitting a reservation request on behalf of another person without that person's approval.

  9. An act of illegally using a password on the CREA voyage website or lending, transferring, reselling or sharing passwords with a third party.

  10. An act of interfering with the use of CREA voyage by other users.

  11. An act of dealing with other users based on the information provided by CREA voyage without the approval of CREA.

  12. An act of using or transmitting any computer virus or other harmful program through or in connection with CREA voyage.

  13. An act whereby CREA voyage deems its services are being used to solicit, communicate, or engage in any activity with third-party organizations unconnected with CREA voyage.

  14. An act that is actually or potentially criminal and violates public order and morals.

  15. An act of belonging to or being engaged with anti-social forces or organizations involving anti-social activities.

  16. An act of actually or potentially violating these terms of use, laws, and other regulations.

  17. Other acts deemed inappropriate by CREA.


Handling of problems attributable to the user:
  1. If CREA or its affiliates incur any loss as a result of an act against the terms of use herein, or fraudulent or illegal acts on the part of a customer, the customer may be asked to compensate for the loss.

  2. CREA assumes no responsibility for any conflict arising between a customer and a third party, or loss inflicted by a customer on a third party, as it will be resolved as the responsibility and at the expense of the customer.

Indemnity of the Provider:
  1. CREA assumes no responsibility for any loss suffered by the user or a third party as a result of use of CREA voyage and no obligation to compensate for it except when the loss is attributable to an intentional act or gross negligence on the part of CREA.  In addition, even when CREA is responsible, the responsibility is limited to common and actual damages, and CREA assumes no responsibility for any loss or damages arising from unforeseen and unforeseeable circumstances.

  2. CREA strives to provide reliable information to users, but CREA does not guarantee the quality of service in terms of compliance, integrity, accuracy, security, legality, recency or any other aspect of information supplied.

  3. CREA may end, temporarily suspend, or change any part of CREA voyage without giving prior notice to customers. CREA assumes no responsibility for any disadvantage or loss suffered by the user or a third party as a result of the changes, etc.

  4. CREA assumes no responsibility for any and all losses resulting from any software or hardware accident arising out of or in connection with use of the CREA voyage website, failure of the communication environment, trouble arising between the customer and a third party, or any other accident.


Handling of user information:

CREA handles customers' personal data based on the Privacy Policy presented separately, and customers are asked to carefully read and agree to this policy before using CREA voyage.


Intellectual property rights (Copyrights, Trademarks, etc.):
  1. All copyrighted works, images, characters, marks, and other information are properties in or to which CREA or their respective providers own copyright or other intellectual property rights or other rights of use. Do not use any of the contents featured on the CREA voyage website beyond the extent permitted by the Copyright Act without permission.

  2. All rights to or in the trademarks and service marks displayed on the CREA voyage website belong to CREA or other rights holders who authorized CREA to use these marks. Do not use these marks without the permission of their respective rights holders.

Governing Laws, Conflict Resolution, and Court of Jurisdiction:

Conclusion, effectiveness, performance and interpretation of any agreement pertaining to the terms and use of CREA voyage are governed by the laws of Japan. It is agreed that if a conflict arises with CREA regarding the terms of use of CREA voyage, the Tokyo District Court will serve as the exclusive court of jurisdiction.

Business hours and after-hours support:

Service support for CREA voyage is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Japan Standard Time, Monday to Friday, and is closed on all national holidays and New Year holidays (12/30 to 1/5).  All contacts submitted after hours or on weekends or holidays are regarded as having been submitted on the next business day.

Website terms of use_JP


CREA株式会社(以下「当社」といいます)の提供する文化体験型ツアーサービスCREA voyageのウェブサイトをご利用される前に、下記のご利用条件をよくお読みいただき、ご同意の上ご利用ください。ご利用いただいた場合には、下記の条件すべてにご同意いただいたものとして取り扱わせていただきます。






このお客様利用規約(以下、「本規約」といいます)は、CREA voyageウェブサイトおよびそれに付随するメール等各種インターネットサービス(それらを総称して以下、「本サービス」といいます)の利用に対して適用されます。






2.変更後の本規約は、当社が別途定める場合を除き、CREA voyageウェブサイトに表示した時点より、効力を生じるものとします。








3.上記1 , 2 の他、当社および提携企業等に損害を与える行為、および与えるおそれのある行為






9.CREA voyageウェブサイトで使用するパスワードを第三者に貸与・譲渡・転売すること、または第三者と共用する行為






















4.当社はCREA voyageウェブサイトのご利用に起因するソフトウェア、ハードウェア上の事故、通信環境の障害、お客様と第三者の間において生じたトラブル、その他の事故等によるすべての損害について、責任を負わないものとします。










1.CREA voyageウェブサイト上のすべての著作物、肖像、キャラクター、マーク、その他の情報は、当社ないしその提供者が著作権等の知的財産権、またはその使用権その他の権利を有しております。著作権法で認められている範囲を超えて、CREA voyageウェブサイトに掲載されているコンテンツを無断で使用することはお控えください。

2.CREA voyageウェブサイトに表示されている商標(トレードマークやサービスマーク)に関する権利は、当社または当社にその使用を認めた権利者に帰属します。権利者に無断で使用することはお控えください。








本サービス窓口は営業時間を日本時間の月〜金曜日 午前9:00〜午後5:00(土日祝、ならびに年末年始(12/30〜1/5)休み)とし、営業時間外に受信した通信手段に関しては、翌営業日に受理したものとして取り扱います。

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